Unleashing the Potential in People and Places
Improving health, addressing inequalities, and increasing opportunity by unleashing the potential in people and place

Future Focused Finance
Prospect was commissioned by Future Focused Finance, a national organization whose aim is to provide leadership through a number of action areas to all levels within finance professions in the NHS.

Developing Systems, Organisations and Places
Developing Teams, People and Leadership
Leadership Development Programme: West Yorkshire and Harrogate Cancer Alliance
West Yorkshire and Harrogate Cancer Alliance commissioned Prospect to deliver a leadership programme for the Clinical Chairs and Vice chairs of the Optimal Pathway Groups

Leadership Development for Cancer Leads and Clinical Chairs
Northern Cancer Alliance (NCA) commissioned Prospect for a second time due to the success of the first commission in 2018 to deliver a leadership programme for Cancer Leads, Chairs and Vice Chairs of multi-disciplinary teams.

Prospect Testimonials
"Prospect were excellent. Their communication and preparation before the events meant that these ran smoothly and clearly met our aims and objectives"
Dr. Stephen Hastings
Hulme Hall Medical Group
"We have got some fabulous outcomes for the individuals involved and the organisation which can only impact positively on patient care."
Kirsty Hollis
East Lancashire Clinical Commissioning Group