As part of the National MDT Streamlining programme in 2019/20, the West Midlands Cancer Alliance commissioned Prospect to design and deliver a package of leadership training courses for MDT leads, chairs, and their deputies.
The training was originally designed as a full one-day face to face session in Spring 2020, however due to Covid-19 restrictions, these had to be cancelled. The programme was redesigned as four virtual e-learning webinars and delivered to 60 MDT leads over the winter of 2020/21 as follows:
System thinking and leadership
High Performing MDT Teams
The Self as Leader: understanding preferences using MBTI
The Self as Leader: managing conflict and difficult conversations
The sessions were very well received by the delegates who evaluated the programme as very good to excellent. Delegates felt that the virtual sessions were very well facilitated and that the learning objectives of the programme were met.
The Prospect team were consistently professional and accommodating throughout the planning and training period, despite all the difficulties presented by the pandemic. Their planning and operations were efficient and their communications with the Alliance and delegates very effective throughout.